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2023-24 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA) for 

Proficient Reading: 32%

Distinguished Reading: 24%

Proficient Math: 32%

Distinguished Math: 11%

SBDM Minutes/Agendas

Click here to see approved SBDM Minutes and Agendas

1. Curriculum
2. Assignment of instructional and non-instructional staff time
3. Student Assignment
4. Student Schedule
5. School Space
6. Instructional Practice
7. Discipline
8. Extracurricular Program
9. State Standards Alignment
10. Technology Use
11. Program Evaluation
12. Consultation
13. College-Level Courses
14. Committees
15. Wellness
16. Writing
17. Emergency Plans
18. Parent & Family Engagement
19. Portable Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Use