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2023-24 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA) for 

Proficient Reading: 32%

Distinguished Reading: 24%

Proficient Math: 32%

Distinguished Math: 11%

SBDM Minutes/Agendas & Newsletters

Click here to see approved SBDM Minutes and Agendas

1. Curriculum  CurriculumPolicy.pdf
2. Assignment of instructional and non-instructional staff time AssignmentofAllInstructionalNoninstructionalTime.pdf
3. Student Assignment
4. Student Schedule
5. School Space
6. Instructional Practice
7. Discipline
8. Extracurricular Program
9. State Standards Alignment - PolicyStateStandards_1.pdf
10. Technology Use
11. Program Evaluation
12. Consultation
13. College-Level Courses
14. Committees
15. Wellness
16. Writing
17. Emergency Plans
18. Parent & Family Engagement
19. Portable Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Use  -  Policy18_1.pdf