Proficient Reading: 32%
Distinguished Reading: 24%
Proficient Math: 32%
Distinguished Math: 11%
2024-2025 Online Athletic Registration
This year ALL parents of Woodland athletes must complete the online forms through the data management service FinalForms. In order to participate in all tryouts/practices, you must have an online account and it must include a KHSAA Sports Physical and a copy of your insurance card. Woodland is no longer accepting paper athletic packets. We have switched to FinalForms because it is more user friendly and should be easier for our families to navigate.
You may review your data at any time to verify it is correct. You will be required to sign your forms once per year and after any updates.
FinalForms Introduction Letter
Parent Playbook (FinalForms Instructions)
Blank KHSAA Sports Physical Form
K & K Student Accident Insurance Information
Woodland Athletic Handbook